
Cooper RV Salvage

Cooper RV Salvage

Phone: 219-293-3027

If The Part You Are Looking For Is Not In Our Yard, You Can Feel Certain We Can Have It For You Quickly By Using Our Access To Thousands Of Locations Throughout The U.S.

Cooper Rv Salvage Is Dedicated To Providing Top Quality Used Late Model Corvette Parts At The Lowest Possible Prices. The Key To Our Success Is That We Have A Unique Distribution Network Of Over 600 Major Used Corvette Parts Recyclers And Salvage Yards

Cooper Rv Salvage Specializes In Many Areas, And Offers Services Related To Junkyard Car Parts, Part Used Car, Ferrous Scrap Metal, Car Junk, Salvage Yard Cars For Sale And Junkyard Used Car Parts.

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44 comments on “Cooper RV Salvage
  1. Rodger Bowen says:

    Good Morning

    I am looking for a light to replace on that is broken on my 1999 Fleetwood Bounder

    Part number is TYC 12-1441

    Do you have one that I might purchase?

    thank you

    Rodger Bowen

  2. Larry says:

    I’m looking for rectangular headlight bezels/rings for my 2001 National Marlin MH. These are approx. 8″ X 6″ stainless, with 4 mounting tabs.

  3. Kenneth Keisling says:

    I’m looking for wheels from a 2009 Keystone Montana 5th wheel the identifying info on the backside of the wheel are as follows
    -TTW Inc TR 6
    -16x6J ET0
    -max load 3042lbs
    -DOT-T CW-03
    -8 on 6-1/2″
    I need 3 wheels can you help me

  4. brad pentlin says:

    looking for a 22in wide 16.75 d 13.5 t micerwave with light and fan that montes to the wall wight

  5. Scott Farrell says:

    looking for exterior panel driver side on 1998 fleetwood discovery. deer damage. can send you a picture

  6. Keith Patrick says:

    Looking for interior grade flexible T-molding for edge trim. Wood grain is preferred. Needs to be 1/2″ or 5/8″ wide.

  7. Randall Winkle says:

    I have a 95 South Winds XL I’m in the need for a propane tank, mine has a hole in it its 42×10 with 6 ” risers on it and the filler a,d hard were is to the left side, and I’m in the need for the charging Parts of a Onan Marquis 7000, when I do the check on the stater, armature,brushes, slip rings, most likely the voltage regulator.just about everything that has to do with the charging side, motor runs great.

  8. lon brannan says:

    needlowerfrontcap20042005bounder or expedition

  9. Kevin Wardell says:

    I am looking for a thermostat capillary tube for a arc-10 hydro flame furnace.

  10. Robert Lewis says:

    I am looking for a runaway camper door and windows? Let me know if you have anything at all that I could use. Thank you

  11. bill cuzzart says:

    Need to replace the right front plastic “fender” that is situated over the passenger side of the front tire on a 2003 Fleetwood Bounder also headlights. Do you have them? price details etc are appreciated. Thanks

  12. cheyney street says:

    looking for front end parts for my 2011 holiday rambler navigator inner step well, entry door. windshield a/c parts

  13. John Watkins says:

    I Need a loft area window for a 2000 Itasca spirit.

  14. Susan Luckhardt says:

    Looking for a 40 lb propane tank holder and 2 40 lb tanks. Also 30 and 40 gallon water tanks.

  15. johnny perry says:

    Looking for a dinnet table leaf for a 2007 Fleetwood PROVIDENCE

  16. Gloria Beach says:

    Looking for a Visor Up and Down Rocker switch for 2008 Fleetwood Excursion.

  17. Ernesto Toledo says:

    These are the parts that I need.

    Right front fender lip, two piece. One of the parts has the fuel door.

    The following units are compatible. 2006 and 2007 40kd – Itasca Horizon, Elipse and Winnebago Vetra and Tour.

    PDF included with parts info.

    I need parts 8 and 9 and the brackets and fuel door.

    Please let me know if you have these parts.

    Ernesto Toledo

    (561) 660-0010



  18. Jordon says:

    looking for rear bumper cover for a 1999 fleetwood discovery

  19. Alan Davidson says:


    I’m after a right side mirror for my 2011 Thor Serano 31X.
    I think both the left and right may be the same.

    It has one fixing which is a hollow outside threaded tube of approx. 25mm OD, which is fastened to the support arm, which I have.
    A nut fitted to the tube, inside the top part of the mirror, holds the mirror in place.



  20. Joe Tennis says:

    Hello, I’m looking for a passenger side windshield for a 1986 titan by champion motorhome

  21. Jp says:

    Hi I am looking for a propane fridge freezer combo.

  22. Kevin W Oliva says:

    Hi there, I’m in search of a couple of wheels(rims) with the wide 5 bolt lug pattern, 5 X 8″.

  23. Shawn M Cooper says:


    I have a 2005 Coachman Cross Country 372 DS Coach with a Cummins 5.9L diesel (engine SN 57266306). Due to COVID, there are no spare parts available and I am searching for salvage options. I am looking for an EGR Valve (4955438 or 4955438RX) and turbocharger actuator (4089946 or 4089946RX).

    A couple of notes:
    • The EGR valve is not the same as used in Ram trucks.
    • I believe the “RX” indicates remanufactured.
    • Turbocharge number is for the entire unit and actuator only would be of interest.

    If you have anything, I would love to hear from you.

  24. Rod J Moser says:


    Would you happen to know where I could pick up a grey water tank for a 1995 Dodge Roadtrek 190 Versatile? Thnx

    Rod M

  25. Igoraug says:


  26. Vilianamgu says:


  27. Vilianasaj says:


  28. Veronanql says:


  29. Davidqhe says:


  30. Davidwrm says:


  31. Davideon says:


  32. Eldarbfs says:


  33. Vikiesv says:


  34. Eldaraun says:


  35. Eldarhji says:


  36. Viktorijpg says:


  37. Robxtz says:


  38. Robhgh says:


  39. Robizk says:


  40. Roblvs says:


  41. Margaretgrp says:


  42. Margaretuiw says:


  43. Larry Smades says:

    Looking for a sail switch for a Girard Tankless Water heater

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